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In the Barrie Neighbourhood.

Would you like to participate in our community learning initiative?

smile for love_edited.jpg
Image by Ann Wallace
Image by Talin Unruh
Outdoor Class

Learner Sign-Up

Sign your child up to become a learner in our Little House Learning initiative. We are accepting new participants.

Offer Space

We need learning spaces. If you have a space that we can use on a consistent basis, we would love to hear from you!


We are looking for volunteers to help out with making our learning spaces successful.


Are you an educator? Would you like to work with our team? Contact us and let us know.

Participate: Team Members

Start your own Neighbourhood.

If you like our approach to learning and would like to begin setting up a Little House Learning network in your own Neighbourhood, let us know. We will gladly offer our support and welcome you as a partner in our initiative.

Participate: Text

©2021 by Little House Learning. Transforming learning with F.I.R.E.

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